Smaller containers! Yes there is a mindset change which much of Managerial America is slowly coming to grips with

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Thank you for your insights. Reducing waste & doing more with less are very important goals globally. Consumption-based economies may need to be reformed to thrive with less production of goods.

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"The Future Does Not Fit in the Containers of the Past" because the containers of the future are smaller! Sorry my friend, I couldn't resist. Haha! --- You triggered this thought: with all of the talk about an imminent recession, wouldn't it be fascinating if a recession was caused because consumers chose to spend less instead of being forced by economic conditions to spend less? On a macro level, perhaps young adults are responding to climate change and other circumstances in a manner that will trigger a decades long recession. If humanity is going to find a way to reconcile itself with our planet, a century of iterative recession might be a very good idea. Unfortunately, our corporate and political institutions probably can't be nimble enough to execute on that idea - today's institutionalized mindset worships growth at all costs. "Fewer" will probably be catastrophic instead of organic. Let's hope not.

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