Dear Rishad, thanks again for your insights.
I agree with your point about making time to learn. Continuous learning is essential in an ever-changing socio-economic environment. Especially for leaders, it is important to recognize the support and sponsorships they receive from governing superiors to retain a position of leadership.
I agree with your point about making time to learn. Continuous learning is essential in an ever-changing socio-economic environment. Especially for leaders, it is important to recognize the support and sponsorships they receive from governing superiors to retain a position of leadership.
Leadership is first and foremost empowered by its support. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. We are talking to people as if it is only up to them to become the leaders of tomorrow.
But how can you “De-Bossify” yourself without risking losing your job? A good friend of mine who was a boss of a large enterprise had to flee to another country after the governing empowerment has changed. In this regard, the USA is no exception.
On another but related subject.
I don't know about you, but I am inspired by unexpected insights. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer of them. More and more people are duplicating sales and marketing techniques, especially in the consultancy sector. These quotes are excerpts from offers that came to my computer just this morning.
"Success is imminent if you only follow these 9 steps..." "The 6 pivotal means to success…" "5 ways to sway customers…" "My partner and I have developed five actions you can take to really move your purpose forward and benefit from it..." "How CPG is launching their equity-free incubator to lead the front on building ventures…" Le's write a book about it and publish it on Amazon. We may sell a couple of hundred within the first year and then no one will care anymore. Does that sound familiar?
Dear Rishad, thanks again for your insights.
I agree with your point about making time to learn. Continuous learning is essential in an ever-changing socio-economic environment. Especially for leaders, it is important to recognize the support and sponsorships they receive from governing superiors to retain a position of leadership.
Leadership is first and foremost empowered by its support. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. We are talking to people as if it is only up to them to become the leaders of tomorrow.
But how can you “De-Bossify” yourself without risking losing your job? A good friend of mine who was a boss of a large enterprise had to flee to another country after the governing empowerment has changed. In this regard, the USA is no exception.
On another but related subject.
I don't know about you, but I am inspired by unexpected insights. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer of them. More and more people are duplicating sales and marketing techniques, especially in the consultancy sector. These quotes are excerpts from offers that came to my computer just this morning.
"Success is imminent if you only follow these 9 steps..." "The 6 pivotal means to success…" "5 ways to sway customers…" "My partner and I have developed five actions you can take to really move your purpose forward and benefit from it..." "How CPG is launching their equity-free incubator to lead the front on building ventures…" Le's write a book about it and publish it on Amazon. We may sell a couple of hundred within the first year and then no one will care anymore. Does that sound familiar?
Have a great day.
Best regards, Alex